Salt is a corrosive and a preservative. Salt is where the ocean meets the land. Salt is in the air we breathe living next to the sea. I paint iconic places that lay like salt in our memories, preserved with nostalgia and corroded over time. Our city’s landscape is changing around us at a fevered pace and is unrelenting like the tides on the shore.
Timeless architecture is being torn down, changed and replaced. Places we know in our hearts are vanishing. New structures are replacing old. The salt of the sea makes its way underneath paint and corrodes. My intention was never to document the changes but to relish in the iconic architecture and ocean. I was a silent observer. My new collection of paintings is intended to help you smell the salt air and feel calmly at peace. Be the silent observer, bathe in the West Coast light and breathe the salt air.
Inspiration for the landscape series comes from walking the cool winter scape of Victoria's Breakwater and surrounding areas. Their large scale envelopes the viewer with the feel of salt air mist as well as the magic of the West Coast. Their minimalism steps into the realm of gentle colour fields.